Friday, September 28, 2012

Native Americans of the Forest: Eastern Woodlands

Please Look up the following vocabulary words at

1.  birch
2.  canoe
3.  Eastern Woodlands
4.  elder
5.  land bridge
6.  Ojibwa
7.  wigman

Go to and complete the assignment!  Thank you!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Greetings Parents and Students!

Welcome Back.  I want to explain what our goals are for September/October.  We will be working on a unit called, "Native American Tribes of the United States"  Students will be viewing short videos about various aspects of animal habitats.  Students will be given handouts of related vocabulary this year with a zing!  We will be looking at how we say those words in other languages !!!  Please provide students with a marble composition book and pencils so they can be prepared when they come to the Computer Lab.  I look forward to working with you and having conversations about your child's progress!!
Thank you.
Linda Silverberg


1.  You will see a short video of Eastern Native American Tribes
2. You will respond to the following survey.