Monday, February 28, 2011

Lincoln and Washington Projects....

1. Research should be completed by the March 7th! Choices of Projects are:

-Slideshow Presentation

2. Each group will do ONE Lincoln and ONE Washington project. So put your heads together and come up with a fantastic piece! ALL Projects should be no more than 10 minutes from start to finish!

For Podcasts:
Create an interesting, talk-show-type script. Make it interesting, lively and add humor to it.

For Video:
You can create a script and do a play using puppets, masks, etc. Or you can use to zoom in on some pictures and copy them to your video. Use Youtube clips, Bing videos, pics, sound, etc.

For Slideshow:
You may use to create a slideshow,, or Powerpoint. Use video clips, pics, sound, etc.

3. Projects must be completed by March 20th!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Technology Tip of the Day!

Technology Tip Number 110
Mega Byte This
When you work with computers you see KB (or KiloBytes) and MB (or MegaBytes) all the time but what does it stand for? Basically it’s a measurement of memory on a computer. To help you understand exactly what in means there is an example below.

So What’s a Byte anyway?
When you get right down to it computers only know two things off and on. That’s it just OFF and ON. And a computer expresses OFF as a “0” and ON as a “1”. Everything you see on the screen right now is just a specifically ordered combination of 1’s and 0’s to the computer that tell it exactly how to display this webpage. Now here’s the confusing part. Each individual 1 or 0 is called a BIT and 8 BITS together is called a BYTE. When you type a 0 the computer actually recognizes that zero as the series of 8 BITS or “00000000”

Here are some examples of what some other numbers and letters look like to the computer:

0 = 00000000 a = 01100001 L = 01001100
1 = 00000001 v = 01110110 p = 01110000
2 = 00000010 $ = 00100100 z = 01111010
Here’s a link to even more if you’re curious:

So, in really super simplified terms, when I type the letter “L” the computer translates that to be the BYTE “01001100." If I typed the letter “L” 50 times that would be 50 BYTES of information. If I typed the letter “L” 1000 times that would be 1000 BYTES or 1 KiloByte or 1KB. Actually Bytes are measured in powers of 2 so 1KB isn't exactly 1000 bytes, but it is close enough. Below is a chart of common abbreviations and their actual values in bytes:

Name Abbreviation Actual Size in Bytes
KiloBytes KB 1024
MegaBytes MB 1,048,576
GigaBytes GB 1,073,741,824

To learn more about these bytes and their abbreviations try this site:

And here's some even more specific information about how bytes and mega bytes are measured:

PRACTICE ACTIVITY: The next time you look in one of your folders on the computer take note of the size of the files.

TO KEEP ON LEARNING: To learn more about computer memory try searching the internet for:

Bytes and Bits
How computer memory is measured
computer memory

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

George Washington Webquest

George Washington
A Group Webquest

In your TekLab Team, you will work together gathering data for this webquest!

The objective of this webquest is to learn about our first president, George Washington. What will you do? You will find the answers to questions and complete activities through use of the internet Research the Internet to find your answers. DO NOT repeat the question to me! Use part of the question to form your answer!!!

Find out where George Washington was born. Collect website for any pictures.

Find and record what is important (about Washington's life) for each of the following years:

• 1732 1759 1774
• 1775 1776 1787
• 1789 1793 1799

What is George Washington often called?

When and where was George Washington born?

Why was school important to George? Explain?

What was Washington's first job?

How old was he when he began his first job?

Before the Revolutionary war, Washington commanded troops in what war?

During Washington's presidency, what states were formed?

Which wars did George Washington fight in?

What jobs did he have in the war?

Was George Washington from a wealthy family? Explain his family conditions.

Who did George Washington marry?

George Washington was an organized person. He liked to see things running a certain way!

What is “a necessary?”

What time were meals served?

Who did the cooking?

At Mount Vernon, what river is seen from the guestroom?

How many years did it take to building the south wing of Mt. Vernon? Were there any obstacles?

What time did George Washington get up in the morning?

What was one of George Washington’s horses named?

Name four CROPS grown on Washington’s farms?

Slavery was observed in the south during this time period.

Did George Washington have slaves. How did he feel about slavery? Give 4 facts and 3 details each.

Find information on Mrs. Washington. Include at least three facts with 3 details each about her that you find interesting.

What war did George Washington help win? What side won?

How long was George Washington President?

Did George Washington want to be President of the United States?
Where was the capitol of the United States when George Washington became president?

When did George Washington die? What was the cause of his death?
What did George Washington help give us?

Video Reviews: There you will find three separate sections of interactive media, (The Revolutionary War, The Presidency, and Life at Mt. Vernon.) Choose one. Listen to all segments under the section that you choose. Take notes about each.

Also, at there are "More stories about George Washington." Once again, choose one and click on it. Read the information that you find, clicking on the arrows, reading each page. Again, take notes about what you find important or interesting about George's life.

The Revolutionary War

1) How were you chosen to lead the army of the United
States in the revolution?

2) What was it like to fight a battle in the
Revolutionary War?

3) What was the greatest obstacle you faced during the
Revolutionary War?

4) Was it difficult to leave Mt. Vernon to lead the army
during the war?

Being President

1) Why didn’t you allow yourself to be crowned king
of America?

2) What qualities are most important in a president?

3) What are your views on the press, and what were
your relations with it?

4) Why didn’t you run for a third term as President?

Life at Mt. Vernon

1) What do you grow at Mt. Vernon?

2) Do you like farming?

3) What do you like to do for fun?

4) How do you justify keeping slaves?

Now it is time for you to take all of the information that you've gathered and create a project of your choice to share with others. The project should show what you have learned about Washington's life.

Types of projects you can consider:
• Create a poster/display
• Create a Presentation
• Write/Illustrate a digital book
• Write a play or script about Washington's life for a Podcast or Video
There are other things you can do, but the above examples should give you an idea of how you can share your learning with others. You are welcome to suggest other ideas.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Editing Practice Makes Perfect!

Please copy this text to a Word Document.

Save the doc with your name(s) + Today's Date

Make all the corrections for this document, and send to Ms. Silverberg by pasting on this link:


Please go to and create an account. It is FREE!! Check out a tutorial, and then send me the link of the tutorial with a description of what you learned to do with


The Prezi Manual

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Abraham Lincoln Webquest - February

Please click below and complete the Abraham Lincoln Webquest.

1. Down the document as a Word Document.
2. Save it: Your name(s) + Today's Date
4. Use part of the question in your response/answer!!!

Click Here

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year Prompts

Click Here

1. 2010 is the Year of the Tiger. What type of year do you think this will be based on the animal that represents this year? Explain your reasons.

2. Those people born in the Year of the Tiger are thought of as powerful and daring. They are also said to be quite generous and humanitarians. How might these characteristics be represented in this new year? Are there any situations now that are in need of people with these key character traits?

3. Fireworks are a popular display of enthusiasm for the new year in China. List ten words that describe fireworks, then create a fireworks picture in your journal.

4. Red is considered a lucky color for the Chinese New Year. Why do you think this is? Can you think of things that are red and lucky? How does the color red make you feel?

5. Dragon parades are a popular activity in China, even if it is not the dragon's year. What makes a dragon a creature of myth? What characteristics does a dragon have?

6. Using scissors is considered unlucky on Chinese New Year. It is said that it may "cut your luck" for the upcoming year. Some folks consider this to be a superstitious idea. What do you think? Do you have any superstitions? What is a superstition? (Use the dictionary!)

7. Chopsticks are used by most people in China when eating. List ten foods that would be easy to pick up with chopsticks. List five foods that you think would make eating with chopsticks difficult. Have you ever eaten with chopsticks? Did you like using them? Why or why not?

8. Displaying a bowl of oranges, as well as giving oranges to family and friends is another popular Chinese custom for the new year. Oranges symbolize luck and joy. What about this fruit makes it special? Do you like oranges? Why do you think an orange was chosen?

9. Families prepare for Chinese New Year by cleaning their homes from top to bottom. Why do you think having a clean home is important when starting a new year?

10. Research China on the computer ( suggested site-Enchanted Learning). Write an informational essay about China. Be sure to include it's geographic location, population, facts about the lifestyle of the people and economic condition.